Side Effects of Blogging for a Year

Millie O Symns

posit::conf(2023) - Hyatt Regency Chicago

Waterfalls? …and blogs?

These were my stretch points

and…R Community Contributor!

Mind blowing talks

The journey

So many options! Where do I start?

The idea never dies

The hardest part is to start

The challenge

Create and publish a website

Write a blog post once a month for an entire year

Share the blog post publicly on Linkedin and Twitter

What were the side effects of this challenge?

  • Learned how to build my brand
  • Figured out my niche in the data space
  • How to build and maintain a website

What do I want to be known for?

How to build my brand

Questions I asked myself:

  • What do I do? (for work)
  • Who am I? (in general)
  • Who would I like to become? (as a professional)


About me

How do I want people to experience me?

My niche in the data space

  • What kind of blogs are out there?
  • What are my strengths?
  • What do I want to learn?

Opening blogs

Showing up with art

Building and maintaing a website

Tools of this website version uses RProjects, Blogdown, Github, Hugo, and Netlify

Resources for making websites/blogs

Going from observer to contributor

What is your waterfall?

Thanks for coming!

Find me on: